1. Who are you to me? A friend
2. How long have we known each other? O.o bout a year?
3.When and how did we meet? on the old site
4. Do you know who i have a secret crush on? Nope
5. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it? Zakkerz, since thats what i call you anyways
6. Describe me in one word. Genuine
7. What was your first impression of me? Cool to hang around with
8. Do you still think that way of me now? yep yep
9. What reminds you of me? this face: e.e
10. If you could give me anything what would it be? idk O.o oh! a pillow xD Since you like sleeping
11. How well do you know me? Pretty well i'd say
12. When's the last time you saw me? I've seen pics if that counts o.o
13. What's the most fun we've had together? So many times o.o probably one of the times we were talking on msn xD
14. What's the last thing you remember us talking about? Characters i think
15. If you could tell me anything in the world, what would it be? i WILL pwn you at Halo one day...When i get LIVE xDD
16. Are you gonna repost this so i can say some random things about you? Way ahead of you xD