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 Norutoshi Clan

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Norutoshi Clan Empty
PostSubject: Norutoshi Clan   Norutoshi Clan EmptySat Oct 31, 2009 11:46 am

General Information
Clan Name:Norutoshi
Clan Symbol:Norutoshi Clan Zero__s_Tattoo_by_Sorceress2000
Clan Location: (Which village is your clan from, mostly in, etc)

Clan Jutsus:
Name: Hot tamale bomb bullet
Element: Fire
Description:This is quite simple really, what genjo does conjure up some tamale's from his belly along time ago and shoot out of his mouth like bullets. They explode when the come incontact with anyone one or anything. A strong taijutsu attack and interupt this. this jutsu is rarely used at the begining of a battle because it Scorches Genjo's mouth
Medical use/Bastardized use:

Name: pocky needle storm
Rank: A
Description: Under genjo's akatsuki robe he stores millions of pocky sticks which he uses in battle. he will normally use this at the beginning of a battle. He will spin around really fast and pocky sticks will come shoot out piercing the foe. A high level genjutsu attack and stop this jutsu.
Medical use/Bastardized use:

Name: Acid skittle storm
Rank: S
Element: Lightning and Water
Description: Genjo will grab a handful of skittles and throws them in the air. The stay therwe as the scatter around all over the place and the the start to melt. As they melt the turn to acid and burn everyone but the user. This jutsu can be avoided and bloced
Medical use/Bastardized use:

Rank: A
Description: Genjo performs various hand signs and forces his palm on the stomach of his foe. With in moments the foe will be in a jelly like seal the genjo can fill with Poison Air or with fire.
Medical use/Bastardized use:

Name:Airhead impact
Element:fire and wind
Description:Genjo blows 10 flames of fire out of his mouth and then the form in the shape of air heads. he then shoots them at hsi foe using his wind abilities.
Medical use/Bastardized use:

Name:Twilight Suzumushi(otherwise known as sugar rush)
Type:Taijutsu and Ninjutsu
Description:This jutsu is the most prized posession of the Norutoshi clan cause he requires candy, Concentration all of your chakra and honor. This jutsu only happens when Genjo opens his eyes cause if i didn't say this his eyes are always closed. When he opens his eyes he immediatly goes in a trans-like state causing him to go a a sugar ramapage. he goes crazy for a while and is blinded by all but his foe. During this phase Genjo can't use any of his jutsu's or his sword.
Medical use/Bastardized use:

Name: Red rope vain(last resort)
Rank: S
Type:Taijutsu and Ninjutsu
Description: genjo rips out vain like ropes that cause sivere damage as whips. He will immedialty bleed to death when he uses this jutsu. the is why this is basically a last resort.
Medical use/Bastardized use:

More to be added~

Kekkei Genkai:they specialize in candy based jutsu's and wind based jutsu's, That is there main ability no other person can do these types of jutsu's none from the uchiha or fuuma clan can copy this kekkei genkai unless the kill someone from this clan
Other Special Powers:thats just about it but depending on what element affinity they have the get jutsu's from the clan that other people in the clan can't get unless they have the same elements

History and Members
History: Avast, this clan is quite unique i would say so myself, but let me tell you how it originated. It all started with a young boy named Xabi. this boy had no skills or talents at all he shunned himself from the rest of the world training on some secret jutsu's his parents didn't know about. He would always excuse himself from the dinner table to train when he hardly ate his food. he would train so hard he'd fall asleep in the middle of the jutsu. It was then when he realized he found his talent. he took some candy from his mothers top kitchen Cabnet and start fooling around with it puting his chakra in it making sure that no one found out. he then started to excel in his own jutsu that took him almost 3 years to master. he finished it and was all set and ready.One dreadful day his Dad found out and punished him for being a disgrace to the Norutoshi clan. They both had a big arguement. The arguement was so big that xabi ran away. He was running non-stop to point his feet were bleeding. he then came by a village he didn't know about till he saw the head-bands. "This must be the hidden leaf village" he said, and just like that he made his new home there never to hear from his mom or dad again. 15 yrs later Xabi was 35 and married a beautiful women who's name was kagura the lived a peacful life with a beautiful baby boy they name Genjo. years past and they past and Xabi's clan grew and grew. Now he formed his own Norutoshi clan that only focused on Wind and Candy based jutsu's. But they clan went mad for power causing Genjo to split up with his mom. they were ran out of the rain village and scattered as far from the Land of Birds all the way to the Land of honey. never to be seen again until the small 6 year old genjo grew up.

Members:Genjo Norutoshi,(other people can join but they have to have the clan symbol on them as a seal that genjo will put apon you
Clan Founder:Xabi norutoshi
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